Saturday, January 28, 2012

Script timeout passed if you want to finish import please resubmit same zip file and import will resume : phpMyAdmin

Today I was uploading some large mySql sql zip file. It was taking long time. Then I got following error
"Script timeout passed if you want to finish import please resubmit same zip file and import will resume"

I have added following settings to php.ini

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tips to make your design more impressive.

As a designer we always strive to make our design to look more professional and creative. It might be website, logo, business card, book, advertisement or even may be TV animation doesn't matter. Design principles or tricks are very generic and it will apply to all.
I have few tips which might help you to improve your design better.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Which is the best alternative to Photoshop?

This is the question I was keep asking myself for long time. Although photoshop is very good tool but for casual  photo editing it is very expensive. I have tried GIMP, but it is not so user friendly.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Best free templates for your Wordpress Blog in 2012

Number of regular visitors for your blog not only depends upon content or seo optimization etc, but also on your blog template, its look and feel and how it promotes your content etc. I have selected some of the best free wordpress templates available in Internet which will make your Wordpress blog look more professional and elegant.